WordPress Agency In New York


Are you in search of a WordPress agency in New York? Look no further! We are here to be your trusted partner in all things WordPress. In the heart of the city that never sleeps, our team of WordPress experts is dedicated to providing top-notch WordPress services that cater to your unique needs. So, let’s delve into the comprehensive array of WordPress services in New York that we offer, why you should choose Seahawk, and how to get started.

WordPress Services Offered by Us in New York

From web design & web development to website maintenance, SEO optimization, and site speed enhancement, we’ve got you covered when it comes to WordPress services in New York.

WordPress Web Design

Crafting visually stunning and user-friendly websites is our forte. Our talented web designers are equipped to create WordPress websites that not only capture your brand essence but also resonate with your target audience.

Costs: Prices for WordPress web design can vary significantly based on the complexity and features required. On average, expect to invest anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 for a custom WordPress website.

WordPress Development

Our developers possess a deep understanding of WordPress. This allow us to build custom WordPress plugins, WordPress themes, and functionalities that align perfectly with your business objectives.

Costs: WordPress development costs can range from $3,000 to $15,000 and beyond, depending on the complexity and scope of the project.

WordPress Migration

If you’re looking to switch your website to WordPress or migrate from an older version to the latest one, our team ensures a seamless and secure transition.

Costs: WordPress migration services typically start at around $500 and upwards to $2,000, depending on the size and complexity of the migration.

WordPress Conversion

Converting your existing website or design into a WordPress-powered platform is another area where we excel.

Costs: WordPress conversion projects generally start at $1,500 and can go up to $5,000 or more based on the complexity and features required.

WordPress Outsourcing

We offer WordPress outsourcing solutions to businesses looking to delegate their WordPress-related tasks. Whether it’s ongoing maintenance or content updates, we’ve got the expertise to handle it.

Costs: Outsourcing costs can vary based on the scope of work. Generally, monthly fees for outsourcing WordPress services range from $500 to $2,000 or more.

White-label Services

We provide WordPress white-label services for agencies looking to expand their WordPress offerings without the need for in-house development and design teams.

Costs: White-label service costs vary depending on the specific services required. Monthly retainers for white-label services can range from $1,000 to $5,000 or more.

Managed SEO Service

Elevate your online presence with our managed SEO services. We optimize your WordPress website to rank higher on SERPs, driving more organic traffic and conversions.

Costs: Managed SEO service pricing typically starts at $500 per month and can go up to $2,500 or more, depending on the level of optimization required.

Hacked Site Repair

In the unfortunate event of a hacked WordPress site, we have the expertise to clean and restore your website’s security swiftly.

Costs: Hacked site repair costs can range from $200 to $1,000 or more, depending on the extent of the damage and security measures required.

WordPress Maintenance & Care

Ensure the ongoing health, functioning, and performance of your WordPress site with our comprehensive WordPress maintenance and care plans.

Costs: WordPress maintenance plans start at $99/per month and can go up to $1000 or more, depending on the level of support and services included.

Site Speed Optimization

Slow-loading websites can drive visitors away. Our site speed optimization services make sure your WordPress site runs at peak performance.

Costs: Site speed optimization projects typically start at $500 and can range up to $2,000 or more. This depends on the complexity of your website.

WordPress Agency in New York: Why Choose Us?

In the vibrant digital landscape of New York, our WordPress agency stands ready to transform your online presence. Contact us today, and let’s embark on a journey to digital excellence together!

  • Proven Expertise: Our team of WordPress professionals has a track record of providing outstanding results for businesses of all sizes.
  • Tailored Solutions: We understand that every business/brand is unique, and so are their needs. That’s why we offer customized WordPress solutions that meet your specific goals and requirements.
  • Commitment to Excellence: We are committed to providing the highest quality web-related services and ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way.
  • Local Presence: As a WordPress agency in New York, we are in touch with the latest trends and developments in the city’s vibrant digital landscape.

Contact Us and Let’s Get Started!

Ready to build your WordPress website? Contact us today to schedule a consultation or request a quote.

WordPress Agency in New York FAQs

How long does it take to design a custom WordPress website?

The timeline for designing a custom WordPress website can vary based on its complexity and features. Generally, it may take anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks or more.

Do you provide ongoing maintenance for WordPress websites?

Yes, we do. We offer ongoing maintenance and care plans for WordPress websites to ensure their smooth operation and security. Costs start at $99/per month.

What is the average cost of SEO services for a WordPress site?

The cost of managed SEO services for a WordPress site can range from $500 to $2,500 or more per month, depending on the level of optimization required.

Can you repair hacked WordPress sites?

Yes, we can. We specialize in repairing hacked WordPress sites. The cost for hacked site repair can vary from $200 to $1,000 or more, depending on the extent of the damage.


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