What Is RafflePress WordPress Plugin? How To Use It?


If you want to grow your online presence and engage with your audience, then one of the most effective methods to achieve this is through contests and giveaways. These not only attract a wider audience but also help in retaining the existing one. However, running contests and giveaways manually can be daunting. That’s where RafflePress WordPress plugin comes to the rescue! In this blog, we’ll explore what RafflePress is, how to use it, its top features, and its many benefits.

What is RafflePress?

RafflePress is a powerful and user-friendly WordPress plugin that helps website owners easily create and manage contests and giveaways. It is packed with features and tools to simplify the entire process, from setting up your contest to selecting winners. Whether you are a blogger or a small business looking to boost your online presence, RafflePress can be highly effective.

Top Features of RafflePress WordPress Plugin

RafflePress WordPress plugin provides a user-friendly drag-and-drop builder that allows you to create stunning giveaway campaigns without any coding or design skills. With just a few clicks, you can customize every element of your contest, such as the entry form, prizes, and entry actions.

  • Pre-Made Templates: For those looking to save time, RafflePress offers pre-designed giveaway templates that you can easily customize to match your branding. These templates are designed to maximize participant engagement.
  • Viral Refer-a-Friend Entries: RafflePress encourages participants to spread the word about your contest by offering viral refer-a-friend entries. This helps your contest go viral and brings in more entries.
  • Multi-Platform Integration: Easily integrate RafflePress with popular email marketing services, social media platforms, and more. This ensures you can collect valuable leads and engage with your audience seamlessly.
  • One-Click Entry Actions: This plugin supports various entry actions, including social media follows, subscribing to a newsletter, visiting a webpage, and more. With one-click entry actions, participants can quickly enter your contest, increasing participation rates.
  • Incentive for Participants: RafflePress allows you to offer bonus entries to participants who complete specific actions to keep your audience engaged. For example, you can reward participants with extra entries for sharing your contest on social media.
  • Smart Tracking and Reporting: RafflePress provides detailed tracking and reporting, allowing you to see how well your contest performs. This data is invaluable for making improvements to future campaigns.
  • Fraud Protection: The plugin comes with built-in fraud protection features, which help ensure your contests’ integrity. It can prevent cheating by monitoring IP addresses and ensuring a fair and transparent selection of winners.

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How to Use RafflePress WordPress Plugin?

Now that you understand some of the key features of RafflePress, let’s dive into how to use it effectively.

Step 1: Install and Activate RafflePress

Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the “Plugins” section. Click Add New, search for RafflePress, and install & activate the RafflePress plugin.

Step 2: Create Your First Contest

After activation, you will find a “RafflePress” menu on your dashboard. Click on it. Click the “Add New” button to create a new contest. Choose a name for your contest, and select a template or start from scratch.

Configure your contest settings, including start and end dates, time zones, and giveaway rules. Click the “Save” button to save your settings.

Step 3: Customize Your Contest

Use the drag-and-drop builder to customize your contest. You can add and edit giveaway entry actions, customize the entry form, and set up viral refer-a-friend entries. Add your prizes, including images and descriptions. Configure your success tracking to see how well your contest is performing.

Step 4: Integrate with Email Marketing and Social Media

Connect your email marketing service to collect leads from your contest. Integrate your social media accounts to make it easy for participants to share your contest.

Step 5: Publish Your Contest

Once you’ve customized and integrated everything, click the “Publish” button to make your contest live. RafflePress provides you with a shortcode that you can add to any post or page on your WordPress website to display your contest.

Step 6: Promote Your Contest

Share your contest on social media platforms, email newsletters, and other marketing channels. Encourage participants to complete entry actions for a chance to win prizes.

Step 7: Select and Announce Winners

After the contest ends, use RafflePress to randomly select winners. Announce the winners on your website and social media channels, and notify them via email.

Benefits of RafflePress WordPress Plugin

RafflePress helps you increase user engagement by offering enticing prizes and easy entry actions. It can be integrated with popular email marketing services to capture leads and expand your subscriber list.

For example, an eCommerce store can run a RafflePress contest offering a grand shopping spree prize on their website. They can integrate this with their email marketing service to grow their subscriber list.

It can also improve your brand’s social media presence by encouraging participants to share your contest on their social media profiles. This can help expand your reach. For instance, a fitness blogger can use RafflePress to give away workout equipment. By allowing participants to gain extra entries for sharing on social media, the contest can go viral and increase website traffic.

With the RafflePress WordPress plugin, you can customize your contest to match your brand, making it more memorable for participants. RafflePress also provides in-depth tracking and reporting, allowing you to analyze what works and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.


RafflePress is a game-changing WordPress plugin that empowers you to create, manage, and track contests and giveaways with ease. Its powerful features, user-friendly interface, and seamless integration with email marketing and social media platforms make it a must-have for anyone looking to improve site visibility and engage with their audience.

By following these steps, you can harness the full potential of this content & giveaway WordPress plugin and enjoy its many benefits. So, get started now, and don’t miss out on the opportunity to supercharge your marketing efforts with RafflePress today!


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